Guess what? It’s on again – our very own Renault Round-Up!
You don’t want to miss this. Open to anyone with a Renault or Renault-powered vehicle / thing, not just RCCV members.
For those who don’t know, Como Park is in South Yarra, Melbourne

Things we want to shout out loud about the club happenings
Guess what? It’s on again – our very own Renault Round-Up!
You don’t want to miss this. Open to anyone with a Renault or Renault-powered vehicle / thing, not just RCCV members.
For those who don’t know, Como Park is in South Yarra, Melbourne
One of our members, Paul Stewart and his son Brad Stewart are doing the Shitbox rally next year.
For those who don’t know what it’s about read on.
The Shitbox rally is a fundraiser for cancer, rules are simple, purchase price of the car must not be any more than $1,500 hence the term shit box. Paul and Brad are using a pair of Peugeot 406 diesels.
It starts in Canberra and finishes in Townsville, a long way on rugged back roads in old cars that were destined for the scrap yard.
100% of the money raised goes to the Cancer Council, none of the entrants or officials get 1 cent, Paul and Brad are financing this on their own so don’t think your donation is funding their drive holiday across the country because it isn’t.
Donations are a little slow coming in and we are asking members go get behind this worthwhile cause, every one of us has been touched by cancer and we must never give up the fight to cure this awful disease. We know people are doing it tough at the moment so we are asking for any help at all, what ever you can spare. Remember no matter how tough you’re doing it’s not as tough as the people fighting the disease.
To get things moving at the General meeting on Tuesday 17th the members decided the club would donate $1000 but we need more.
Log on to Paul’s Pepe Le Pew Jo site to donate and you can look it up at
For general info on the event click here
Thanks everyone,
David Cavanagh
President RCCV
December 2023’s edition has now been uploaded and is available for members to view – logging in is required.
The previous edition (June 2023 70th Anniversary edition) has been released for public viewing – no log-in is required.
View them here or select ‘Magazine’ from the main menu
Following are the point standings as at Year end 2022
Angelo Simonetto | 10 Points | (4 events) |
Geoff Rasmussen | 8 Points | (2 events) |
David Bertuch | 7 Points | (4 events) |
John Hardy | 4 Points | (1 event) |
Dave Cavanagh | 3 Points | (3 events) |
Glenn Armstrong | 3 Points | (3 events) |
Greg Testolin | 2 Points | (2 events) |
Leon Deminey | 2 Point | (2 events) |
Michelle Deminey | 2 Point | (2 events) |
Rory Stark | 1 Point | (1 event) |
Daniel Boaden | 1 Point | (1 event) |
To ensure inclusion in the sporting award, members need to email details of events entered, including results to the Sporting Coordinator, Jeni Sammons at Details about the Club Championship are here
Here are the Upcoming Sporting Events for October and November 2022
We look forward to seeing you at these events!
Sunday 23rd October 2022 CANCELLED |
Interclub Round 3 | Rob Roy Hillclimb, 375 Clintons Road, Smiths Gully Vic 3760 | |
Saturday 19th November 2022 | METEC Khanacross | 112 Colchester Road, Bayswater Vic 3153 | |
25th-27th November 2022 | Geelong Revival Spring | Geelong Waterfront, Eastern Beach, Geelong Vic 3220 |
Following is the point standings up to and including the Rob Roy InterClub Round 2 on the 22nd May 2022
Geoff Rasmussen | 8 Points | (2 events) | |
John Hardy | 4 Points | (1 event) | |
David Bertuch | 2 Points | (2 events) | |
Greg Testolin | 2 Points | (2 events) | |
Glenn Armstrong | 2 Points | (2 events) | |
David Cavanagh | 2 Points | (2 events) | |
Leon Deminey | 2 Points | (2 events) | |
Michelle Deminey | 2 Point | (2 events) | |
Angelo Simonetti | 1 Point | (1 event) |
To ensure inclusion in the sporting award, members need to email details of events entered, including results to the Sporting Coordinator, Jeni Sammons at Details about the Club Championship are here
Our good friends at the Peugeot Car Club are hosting this year’s French Car Festival at Cruden Farm in Langwarrin this years.
It’s on October 16th – a Sunday, of course.
See flyer below for more details
As usual, open to anyone with a French Car, not just club members. Spread the word.
There was a drive day pencilled in for this coming Sunday (29th) as this is the standing time of the month for drive days.
However no drive has been organised in time so there won’t be any drive on Sunday.
The April Caffeine Run was originally scheduled for May 9th, it’s normal ‘weekend after Committee Meeting’ date. Then we realised it was Mothers Day and decided that was too much competition for hearts and minds.
We had flagged we might move the Caffeine Run to link up with the Maling Rd Autoclassico, so it was decided to go with that option. That makes it Sunday 15th May.
Head on down to Maling Rd in Canterbury to catch up with the club display – the RCCV has a select bunch of cars representing it amongst a raft of others – and get your monthly club caffeine fix.
We’re not nominating any particular one of the several coffee venues as ‘the’ place for ‘caffeine’ as it’s going to be crowded, unpredictable and maybe unable to get our full group into the one place.
Watch our facebook page on the day, or use the phone, when you get there, to find out where others who are there ended up.