The club entered two teams of four in this event at Bryant Park. Team 1 was Glenn Armstrong, Michael Carabella, Angelo Simonetto and Mike Neil. Team two was Geoff Rasmussen, Joel Bryar, Leon Deminey and Peter Stathis.

Each person had five runs on the day. They then calculated the difference in time between each persons two fastest runs. They then added the three smallest differences for each team to get a team score.

Team 1 totaled 3.039 seconds and Team 2. 2.785 seconds giving them the moral victory. Unfortunately the winning team had a total of .452 seconds as a total. This was less than any one of our competitors.
Beyond all that, it was a fun day that all enjoyed and I think all want to do it again next year. The cost was $300.00 per team (5 drivers) and included lunch. Hopefully we can get a few more members next time.