All French Car Day 2024

Events for the calendar
Our good friends at the Peugeot Car Club are hosting this year’s French Car Festival at Cruden Farm in Langwarrin this years.
It’s on October 16th – a Sunday, of course.
See flyer below for more details
As usual, open to anyone with a French Car, not just club members. Spread the word.
Find your way to Kanteen at 154 Alexandra Avenue, South Yarra to join members and other Renault lovers for coffee and chat next Sunday – the 10th (not 15th as previously incorrectly advised)
As usual, it starts nominally at 9:30 and goes to 11:00 though, also as usual, some will be there earlier and some stay later. As long as you enjoy yourself, we don’t really care.
Kanteen is opposite Como Park where we held a Round Up a few years ago.
Kanteen offers ‘Turkish pizzas & hearty breakfasts in a riverside cafe with outdoor tables & a laid-back vibe’. See their Facebook page for more.
I’m sure also that you’ll find someone to tell you how well the recent GART (Great Alpine Road Trip) went off.
This caffeine run was previously advised to be at The Relief Unit 2 in South Melbourne. Late emerging info is that it’s not open Sundays, so that put paid to that.
March’s Caffeine Run is on the 6th, starting 9:30 am or so, and will be at Friction in Essendon Fields – the old Essendon Airport for those who remember those days.
Full locations is: Friction Essendon, Shop 12/30 English St, Essendon Fields VIC 3041, Australia. Google will find it.
Get together with club members and other Renault fans for coffee and chat – brekky too if you want. Or come along and see what a bit of Melbourne’s history, ie the original international airport, has turned into instead of just driving past it on the way to somewhere else.
Check out the coffee place and Menu here: https://www.frictionessendon.com.au
Has indoor and outdoor areas, so suitable for a balance of catering for weather options or Covid risk tolerances. See yous all there!
The December General Meeting has been changed to be at the Club’s Xmas break-up at Lysterfield Lake on Sunday, December 12th.
We’ve finally got a plan for the Caffeine Run next Sunday 14th November that we think will work. Our first after lockdown, yay!
Silvan Dam Lookout, Mt Dandenong Tourist Rd & Ridge Rd junction Kalorama.
Destiny Point Cafe (over the road) for takeaway coffee & bites.
It’ll be like the Studley Park boathouse – get your coffee, stand in a group.
Usual timing – from 9:30-ish to 11:00-ish.
Parking OK yesterday for at least 20 cars on top of what was already there.
Overflow parking down side streets.
Watch out for cyclists, especially around Sassafras if you come that way.
Wild weather has caused power outages several times lately and this weather could continue.
Check our facebook page for any late breaking news or changes – it’s where ‘as it happens’ updates come out.
The Drive will take in the picturesque corners of the Mornington Peninsula wending it way from the start through the coffee stop to lunch in a pleasant seaside cafe.
The start will be at at McDonalds Frankston – cnr Cranbourne Road and Lee Street. Melways map 102 K4 – for traditionalists.
Drive starts at 9:30 – arrive earlier if you want a coffee to get yourself going.
The route will be heading across Peninsula on minor roads, and approaching Arthur’s seat from the south. We then wind down to Dromana for lunch. Basically follows the past route, but with some ‘re-jigging’.
Lunch is at Pier Kitchen Dromana. We’ll need to book so please RSVP with numbers by Tues 20th
March’s caffeine run will be held at the Boathouse, Moonee Ponds (7 The Boulevard ) from 9.30 am Monday March 8.
It will be held on a Monday due to other events (Phillip Island Classics and Rob Roy Interclub Challenge) over the weekend, and since it’s a long weekend we can do Monday for a change.
The Caffeine Run that was disrupted by the 5-day lockdown can now go ahead so it’s been rescheduled for this Sunday – Feb 21st.
Same place – Heide Museum of Modern Art cafe – and same time of around 9:30 onwards.
Hmmm, museum of modern art? I expect there’ll be some Renaults in there then, eh.
UPDATE Caffe Heide – 7 Templestowe Rd Bulleen, VIC
After being COVID locked down last week which cancelled our planned 14th Feb Sunday Coffee run to the Heide Cafe. A week later, all was forgotten when members responded to a late RCCV email on Thursday and fronted up, I counted at least a dozen cars and around 20 people. What a pleasant surprise in a truly beautiful environment, alfresco and in door dinning.
This was a very social event, all those clean shinny Renos were forgotten, no walking around and comparing notes, etc. Club members allowed themselves to enjoy the pleasure of the extensive and varied breakfast menu and banter. In fact I don’t even think any photos were taken of the cars. My table alone had 3 orders of Heide benedict salmon, wilted greens, poached eggs, sourdough toast, lashings of hollandaise sauce and paprika. And you know what none of us felt guilt, lol.
A great way to start a Sunday morning.
The Renault Car Club of Victoria’s Annual General Meeting will be held on July 16th 2019 at the Dorothy Laver Pavilion in Saxby Street, Glen Iris commencing at 7:30pm.
All offices (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Secretary) and committee positions will become vacant and elections held for of members to fill them.
Nominations of members for new office bearers and general committee members are to be given to the Secretary by 9th July, prior to the meeting. Where there has been no nomination for an office, nominations may be received at the meeting.
Committee nomination form can be downloaded >> Download Nomination Form
Any items for the Agenda and proposed motions are to be submitted by members to the Secretary by 9th July 2018.