January coffee morning on Sunday 13th
This one’s at Studley Park Boathouse Cafe – 1 Boathouse Road, Kew (off Yarra Boulevard near Johnston St) – from 9am onwards.
Cafe is down below on the river side. Lovey place on a nice day.
for the social page
January coffee morning on Sunday 13th
This one’s at Studley Park Boathouse Cafe – 1 Boathouse Road, Kew (off Yarra Boulevard near Johnston St) – from 9am onwards.
Cafe is down below on the river side. Lovey place on a nice day.
A coffee morning on Sunday November 18th.
This month it’s at Warrandyte Bakery – 193 Yarra St, Warrandyte – from 9am onwards
The next Caffeine Run will be in January
The general meeting in November will be a ‘show and tell’ at the club rooms at Dorothy Laver Pavilion.
A BBQ sausage sizzle will be provided before the meeting – come early.
Normal date – November 20th
There will be an coffee morning on Sunday 7th October.
To cater for those in the Northern and Western suburbs, we will be meeting at the Olive Tree Hotel in Sunbury (111 Evans St,) from 9.00 am.
There has been a change of venue for the October General Meeting. It will be held at Waverley Renault in Springvale Rd Mulgrave (opposite Brandon Park Shopping Centre); arrive from 6:30pm for prompt start at 7.00pm. This is to coincide with the launch of the new Megane RS.
For catering purposes we need to know numbers attending.
Please RSVP attendance details to by Thursday 11/10.
As previously advised (see earlier post), this years French Car Festival will be held at Markham Reserve, 8o Victory Bvd, Ashburton on Sunday October 28 from 10.00 am. Entry Fee is $10.00 per car.
We will having a drive to the event from the Carousel Café (22 Aughtie Dve) Albert Park leaving at 9.30 am. If you wish to have coffee first, arrive early.
The RCCV has prepared a bit of a social drive to go with the Bastille Day multi-club luncheon being held at l’Auberge in Lilydale.
It’s open to all members of each club, whether attending the luncheon or not. Members going to the luncheon do not have to do the drive as well if they don’t wish to (but why would you not?). It has been designed with the varying capabilities of the collectively diverse range of potential participating vehicles.
Maps and detailed navigation instructions will be provided at the start (at MOMA)
It is not our usual practice to do this, however we’re providing links to Google maps in advance for each of the three run alternatives so that members can, if they wish, inform themselves more fully before deciding to come or which route would suit them.
Finally, the long range weather forecast is indicating a period of stable weather with wet weather clearing. So good chance of a mainly sunny day with lower than average, for this time of year, rain. Of course, this could all be so different by the week-end!
Last weekend (April 21 & 22) there was a gathering in the Bright area of Alpine vehicles from across Australia. There were a total of 16 Alpines comprising of eight A110’s, three A310’s, one A610 and four GTA’s.
In addition there was a V6 Clio and our photographer in a Megane RS265. The photographer had to leave his A310 at home due to a slight split in a wheel rim which he did not identify in time to have repairs completed before the weekend.
Renault Australia provided a van for the weekend which towed a trailer as a potential recover vehicle and was also available to carry additional fuel or luggage as required. It turned out advantageous to have the trailer along as no-one broke down. We are sure that, had the trailer not been there, it would have been needed.
The weekend commenced Friday afternoon with c couple of mini convoys to Harrietville for the initial gathering for dinner at the Snowline Hotel in Harrietville.
The main drive commenced at 8.00 am the next morning with a drive to Mt Beauty (via Tawonga Gap) for breakfast. It was then on to Falls Creek and then over the Bogong High Plains Rd to Anglers Rest for lunch.
After lunch we travelled via Omeo to Dinner Plain for afternoon refreshments and back to the Snowline in Harrietville again for dinner. The drive for the day was approx 240 km.
Sunday morning, again at 8.00 am it was back in the cars again for a drive up to Mt Buffalo and back to the Milawa cheese factory for lunch.
Following lunch, some returned to Harrietville for the night whilst the rest headed for home.
Thanks to Steve Kalendarian for organising the weekend. All had great time and there has been much discussion of future events, possibly around Canberra and in South Australia.