Maxine Joly writes ‘I’ve just finished writing my book about the Megane RS and orders are
launched. I have written a text in case of some people from Australia
would be interested in buying it despite the text in French. If you can
share the information, that would be very nice !‘
Category Archives: Social
for the social page
June 2016 Social Day
The June Social Day is on the 19th and is a breakfast at Garazi Cafe in Yarraville followed by a visit to the B-24 Liberator bomber being restored at Werribee.
Garazi Cafe is a cafe in a garage with old cars scattered throughout. Pretty cool.
The B-24 Liberator is an iconic 2nd World War bomber. The one in Laverton is the only remaining Liberator in the Southern Hemisphere and is one of only eight still existent in the world. It is being restored in an impressive World War II hangar on the old Werribee airfield – just outside Melbourne in Victoria.
Meet at Garazzi Cafe at 9:30am – 107 Gamon Street, Yarraville
May 2016 Drive Day
Classic Winton Races on May 29th
The Club is having a run to Winton for the Classic Winton race meeting on Sunday May 29th. There will be a couple of options depending upon when you want to travel. Some are leaving Saturday morning and travelling via Mansfield and Whitfield to Beechworth for the night (probably having lunch in Mansfield), going to Winton Sunday morning. Others will leave after lunch and also proceed to Beechworth meeting up with the first group. Some may prefer to drive direct to Winton on Sunday morning but this would require an early start.
If you would like to join us in Beechworth on Saturday night, you will need to make your own accommodation arrangements. We will find a restaurant and make a group booking once we know numbers.
The George Kerford Hotel in Beechworth has rooms available and also controls a couple of motels. Price is $110 per night. Their phone number is (03) 5728 2618.
We originally planned to stay in Wangaratta but little affordable accommodation is available.
The drive routes and timing will be finalised once we know how many want to be involved in each group.
Entry to Winton on Sunday is $35.00. The membership secretary has a couple of passes for classic cars only. First come first served.
So, if you are coming, please make your accommodation arrangements (if necessary) and let the membership secretary know by email () when you want to travel.
Guest Speaker – May 2016 General Meeting
We have Senior Leading Constable Craig Mc Kenzie from Vic Police Traffic Operations coming to speak to us at this month’s meeting in Glen Iris.
This is an opportunity to ask questions about any confusing road rules etc.
We are hoping Craig will cover:-
- Any new road rules
- Number plate recognition of full registered cars
- Highway patrol info
- Road safety of older cars
- Club plate system of club rego cars.
- And anything else that can be of benefit to our members.
New members and friends are also invited to come and get to know the committee and others
April 2016 Drive Day
April 24th – 10am start.
The April drive day will be a run to Flowerdale for lunch at the Pub on the 14th.
We’ll take a different route to last year’s run to Flowerdale for a bit of variety.
Meet at Manningham Hotel in Bulleen – near the bistro at the north end – for a 10am start.
We’ll head out through Warrandyte, Kangaroo Ground and past Rob Roy at Christmas Hills to coffee at St Andrews.
Then via Kinglake, Melba Hwy and Glenburn to Flowerdale.
Contact for event is Geoff Rasmussen,
Grand Prix Display 2016
We had a good mix of cars at this years display as you can see above. We had two late withdrawals including a breakdown on the way to the track on Wednesday. The location was excellent being only 40 – 50 metres from the track (you can see the safety fence behind the cars). This enabled us to leave folding chairs, umbrellas, car fridges etc. in the cars to access each day.
Displaying your car gives access to all days of the event for yourself and a guest at no cost. We were allocated 15 places and could only fill 12 (including one car from the ACT). I think all who came along had a good few days and I hope we can fill our allocation next year.
Glenn Armstrong
March 2016 Drive Day
Renault Roundup 2016
Our roundup this year was held at Caribbean Gardens in Scoresby. I think most people appreciated the change in venue from Docklands and we plan to return to Caribbean gardens for 2017.
Justin Hocevar from Renault Australia addressed the gathering giving a little insight into the future of Renault over the coming months which was very interesting.
The Renault Car Club of Victoria would like to thank all who came along to make it a great day with special thanks to our award sponsors Barry Bourke Renault, Renault Australia, Alpine Affaire, Auto Paris and French Connection.
The display winners were:
Best Renault In Show – Cor Boon – Green Renault 4 (Sponsored by Barry Bourke Renault)
Best Pre 2001 Renault – Rowena Rasmussen – Orange Caravelle (Sponsored by French Connection)
Best Post 2001 Renault – Leon Deminey – Charcoal Laguna (Sponsored by Auto Paris)
Best Sporting Renault – Nathan Porter – Red RS 265 Megane (Sponsored by Alpine Affaire)
Best Commercial Renault – Venus Lane – Blue Kangoo (Sponsored by Renault Australia)
Club member David Cavanagh who is a past President of the club and current vehicle scrutineer for Club Permit Vehicles was announced as a Life Member, which was well deserved.
A sample of other photos (all photos supplied by Alan and Venus Lane).
The Round-Up is on again – 14th February
The Renault Round-Up car display is open to all Renaults old and new. You don’t have to be a RCCV member to display your car at the Round-Up.
The Round-Up is supported this year by Barry Burke Renault, Alpine Affaire, Auto Paris, French Connection and Renault Australia.
It’s a new location this year – the Caribbean Gardens in Scoresby. There are two entrances; one off Ferntree Gully Road less than one Km from the Eastlink Tollway exit and another off Stud Road. Below the flyer is a map showing in more detail where the display area is in the Gardens.
The Caribbean Gardens is having their 50th anniversary in February and there’s even more to see and do than usual. The night before the Round-Up is the big event with holographic light display and water skiing exhibitions on the lake. More details on their website here.
Cars can arrive from from 8:30am and the show formally starts at 9:30.
FRENCH CAR FESTIVAL – 1 November 2015
We had a reasonable turnout of cars on Sunday considering the event fell on the weekend before Cup Day and the weather forecast was not overly inspiring.
The cars covered many eras of Renault with some notable absences. Unfortunately there were no R8’s and no Dauphines. A couple of notable cars were Mike Garafillis R12 Gordini, John Hardy’s Alpine A110, Joost Kuckartz R5 Convertible and an R5 Turbo2.
There were two awards to Renaults on the day. One was a judged award for best Renault and that was won by David Jenkins for his R750. The other was a peoples choice award which went to Rowena Rasmussen for her Caravelle.
We had three new members join on the day and we welcome them to the club.