Category Archives: Announcements to All
Things we want to shout out loud about the club happenings
The Round-Up is on again – 14th February
The Renault Round-Up car display is open to all Renaults old and new. You don’t have to be a RCCV member to display your car at the Round-Up.
The Round-Up is supported this year by Barry Burke Renault, Alpine Affaire, Auto Paris, French Connection and Renault Australia.
It’s a new location this year – the Caribbean Gardens in Scoresby. There are two entrances; one off Ferntree Gully Road less than one Km from the Eastlink Tollway exit and another off Stud Road. Below the flyer is a map showing in more detail where the display area is in the Gardens.
The Caribbean Gardens is having their 50th anniversary in February and there’s even more to see and do than usual. The night before the Round-Up is the big event with holographic light display and water skiing exhibitions on the lake. More details on their website here.
Cars can arrive from from 8:30am and the show formally starts at 9:30.
General Meeting – 15 December 2015
Heinz is bringing his Alpine A310 1600 for us to check out and Phillipper is bringing some video/DVD.s to watch.
Heinz will be there from around 6.00 pm with his car so if you would like to get some take away for tea and have it in the car park with us, please do.
Sporting Championship Progress Points to 1 November
Following is the point standings up to and including Round 3 of the Rob Roy Interclub Hillclimb Challenge on 25th October 2015.
Graeme Edwards | 27 Points | (10 events) | |
John Elliott | 17 Points | (7 events) | |
Colin Stark | 15 Points | (5 events) | |
John Hardy | 9 Points | (3 events) | |
Glenn Armstrong | 7 Points | (7 events) | |
Russell Armstrong | 5 Points | (5 events) | |
Geoff Rasmussen | 3 Points | (2 events) | |
Dave Cavanagh | 2 Points | (2 events) | |
Paul Stewart | 1 Point | (1 event) | |
David Bertuch | 1 Point | (1 event) |
To ensure inclusion in the sporting award, members need to email details of events entered, including results to the Sporting Coordinator, Graeme Edwards at
Details about the Club Championship are here
General Meeting – November 17, 2015
Historic Sandown 2015
French Car Festival 2015
FCF Flyer
Membership Renewal 2015
Memberships for 2015 – 2016 became due on 30 June 2015. If you have not already renewed your membership, please complete the attached form and return it with payment to:
Renault Car Club of Vic Inc
PO Box 111
Heidelberg Vic 3084
Alternatively, imaged forms can be sent to the email with payment credited to the club account as detailed on the application form.
For those with Club Permit Scheme vehicles, it is particularly relevant that you renew your membership..
The closing date for renewals is 31/08/2015.
Any not completed by this date may have membership cancelled and VicRoads advised as applicable.
Rob Roy Interclub Challenge Round 2
30th August, Clintons Rd, Christmas Hills
The second of the 3-round challenge. The contest this year between the clubs is really for second place as the MG club are dominating attendance.
The RCCV is currently lying in fifth place, however that’s likely due to a low turn out for the first round – we can do much better. We won the interclub challenge a few years ago so clearly we’ve got it in us!
So dust off your helmet, fit that extinguisher and get your entry in.